My on-line journal: continued from (May 17 - December 13, 2015)
Go GREEN. Read from THE SCREEN. |
The Hermit of Cubao
Photo by Marlon Cagatin, December 13, 2015
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
I have been experimenting with my waxed, Graciano-Lopez-Jaena moustache and beard. Two days ago I sprinkled gold dust on the tips of my moustache. Yesterday I sprinkled gold dust on the lower end of my beard. (The gold dust is applied while the wax is still wet and sticky.) I prefer the former, it makes me look like the wizard that I am.
Unfortunately the gold dust needs special lighting to show up in photographs!
Unfortunately the gold dust needs special lighting to show up in photographs!
Fire opal earrings arrived, and I am wearing them until my granddaughter Angelique asks for them. I am poorer by thousands, but the earrings are exquisite. Though they are tiny, oval studs, they look fabulous even from afar, blazing like embers in a dying bonfire.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and S.
Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and S.
All the way from my youth to middle age, everyone who met me for the first time, especially foreigners, assumed that I loved cooking. They were shocked whenever I told them that I couldn't fry an egg. I remember three, among them Jim Callahan, who insisted that I was lying and that I was a good cook but didn't want others to know it.
At 64 going on 65 I became challenged to learn cooking to feed my family. There really was no other choice, since I don't want to have any kind of servant in the house. I find that I am enjoying cooking immensely. What is most surprising to me is that, unlike in my writing and in my painting, I avoid innovations and fusions. I love Filipino dishes the way they are cooked traditionally, and I am unable to appreciate the slightest deviation from the classic recipes.
At 64 going on 65 I became challenged to learn cooking to feed my family. There really was no other choice, since I don't want to have any kind of servant in the house. I find that I am enjoying cooking immensely. What is most surprising to me is that, unlike in my writing and in my painting, I avoid innovations and fusions. I love Filipino dishes the way they are cooked traditionally, and I am unable to appreciate the slightest deviation from the classic recipes.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Your wife is the source of answers to all of your questions. Why come to me and ask me why she treats you the way she does?
It is because, from Day 1, you have been desiring that life should conform to what you want and not the other way around, and you were hoping that I could make that happen for you.
It is because, from Day 1, you have been desiring that life should conform to what you want and not the other way around, and you were hoping that I could make that happen for you.
I recall that the late temple priest Ah Hok, who lived in Chinatown, taught me many years ago that there is only one way to arrange images of gods and goddesses on a Tao altar, which is to have them all in one row and on the same level, with the most important figures favoring the center and the left side.
A jeweler is delivering the pair of tiny, oval, faceted, fire opal stud earrings tomorrow. Angelique doesn't want them now, but I know that she will when she grows older. In the meantime I shall wear them, hoping that they won't mind that I wasn't born in October and bring me misfortune, as opals are known to do.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
An ABS-CBN broadcaster read a message from a listener complaining that, during the Easter break, none of the channels showed movies like The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, and King of Kings anymore. The broadcaster heartily agreed. Why didn't he tell THE TRUTH, which is that such movies were shown on GMA7? (And that one can actually buy the DVDs and watch them everyday if one wants.)
The lesson: Never announce that something is out of stock if it is readily available in your neighbor's store.
The lesson: Never announce that something is out of stock if it is readily available in your neighbor's store.
Continuing to eliminate stuff from my piles of notes and miscellaneous papers. Destroying my diaries last week was a big relief. I have realized that hard-copy drives such trunkfuls of manuscripts may be valuable to oneself but perplexing trash to others after one has passed away.
The rule of thumb should be to throw out everything that exists only because of the memories associated with it. They are your memories and no one else's, and should remain in your heart and nowhere else.
The rule of thumb should be to throw out everything that exists only because of the memories associated with it. They are your memories and no one else's, and should remain in your heart and nowhere else.
The office where I met G. and Z. looks so different from what it does on weekdays. This time around I saw two spirits: one a middle-aged woman who used to live there; she was either a relative who was treated like a maid or a relative who was physically and verbally abused in her lifetime. The spirit of her son is also there; he has a bad, right eye on the astral realm because he was hit on that spot during a brawl.
Spent the entire afternoon and a good part of the evening with G. and Z. in their office. They are helping me move forward with big things, and on a Sunday at that. I hope that I was able to help them somewhat in return.
We are not yet done, but I look forward tor completing major stuff within the coming week.
We are not yet done, but I look forward tor completing major stuff within the coming week.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Watched a short feature on FOX News channel titled Rivals of Jesus, about Apollonius of Tyana and Simon Magus. They were briefly mentioned in our classes on the New Testament at Maryhill School of Theology. As articulated in the feature, they must have been very important figures to have been retained in ancient documents.
A young man came to me for healing because of rashes that broke out around his mouth from time to time. Even his dermatologist couldn't explain it, and prescribed traditional, topical treatment. I didn't give him any unguents. I scanned him and saw that the rashes were caused by an allergy to cup noodles/instant noodles. I told him to delete those from his diet immediately.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Tried to Add-Friend Google+ Followers to my facebook account but they Ignored my Friend Requests because, on facebook, I use a different name. Some of them are now asking me to send them Friend Requests again, but I can't do that. Once you Ignore a Friend Request, facebook disables the sender from sending another.
They can't Add-Friend me either. I don't have an Add Friend toggle (and can't be bothered to keep fiddling with my privacy settings), bwahahahahahaha!
Besides, that account is only to keep me in touch with all of my relatives. My Google+ Pages are more complete.
Besides, that account is only to keep me in touch with all of my relatives. My Google+ Pages are more complete.
The story of Moses in popular storytelling is quite spectacular, yet its ending seems an example of a hard-working employee deprived, in the end, of his retirement pay. Quite sad, but then again we don't have his HR record. He did a superlative job, if you ask me, having to supervise all of those atchays and keeping his cool.
Watched The Ten Commandments dubbed in Tagalog on GMA 7 last night. I love GMA 7 for dubbing many foreign movies for Filipino audiences. It is the next best thing to educational travel.
Loved The Ten Commandments as a child, but, as an adult, couldn't help but note the stagy production. Best acting for me was by Yul Brynner, who has a face as unique as Ingrid Bergman's and, sadly, there will be none other like it. As for Charlton Heston, he was a complete ham. I couldn't stand the way he kept floating through scenes with outstretched arms like a fashion model in a caftan. His final coiffeur, based on Michelangelo's statue, was also a scream.
Loved The Ten Commandments as a child, but, as an adult, couldn't help but note the stagy production. Best acting for me was by Yul Brynner, who has a face as unique as Ingrid Bergman's and, sadly, there will be none other like it. As for Charlton Heston, he was a complete ham. I couldn't stand the way he kept floating through scenes with outstretched arms like a fashion model in a caftan. His final coiffeur, based on Michelangelo's statue, was also a scream.
Watched a replay of Journey to the Center of the Earth starring Brendan Fraser on HBO. As entertaining as a theme-park ride with a series of dei ex machinae rather than cleverness saving the characters from precarious situations. All of the backgrounds are matted as for video games, and there are many instances in which the players are all in the foreground, making for a two-dimensional effect. There are two saving graces: the first is Brendan Fraser himself, the second clear evidence that a feature movie can be made with minimalist casting, as in a painter's use of a restricted palette. This is one of those movies that prove that post-production costs are bigger than the rest of the expenses combined.
Your Messenger message:
"What do you do in a Good Friday like today"
My reply:
Nothing unusual. I have come to believe that every day of the year is just about the same. There are no special occasions to honor God, Nature, and your ancestors; you can do that whenever you want. I suppose, it's like Christmas ham. I don't wait until Christmas to buy it.
I lit lamps and joss sticks at our altar, but that is all.
I performed no magical ritual, if that is what you mean. As you can see, it is 3:28 PM and I am merely on-line.
"What do you do in a Good Friday like today"
My reply:
Nothing unusual. I have come to believe that every day of the year is just about the same. There are no special occasions to honor God, Nature, and your ancestors; you can do that whenever you want. I suppose, it's like Christmas ham. I don't wait until Christmas to buy it.
I lit lamps and joss sticks at our altar, but that is all.
I performed no magical ritual, if that is what you mean. As you can see, it is 3:28 PM and I am merely on-line.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Maundy Thursday affair with NatGeo. Watched a documentary on the Chachapoya, or Cloud People, of Peru, and then, on Bible Secrets and Mysteries Revealed, the facial reconstruction of a 6,000-year-old hunter who lived in the Judean desert on or about the time of Jacob and Esau. Loved that there were leather sandals, woven kilts and sashes with tassels, carved wooden bowls, and reed mats even then.
Now I want to reread my book titled The Man in the Ice.
Now I want to reread my book titled The Man in the Ice.
The kundiman is dying, if not already dead. Note that in the U.S., The Voice has a coach for country music; as a matter of fact all other coaches specialize in genres indigenous to the U.S. In the Philippines there are no such categories for Philippine music; everyone believes that to be "world class" is to imitate what foreigners are doing.
Young Filipinos are actually ASHAMED of the kundiman, because Filipino singers express the same attitude.
When I was a child Maundy Thursday was a day so still you could actually cut a chunk from the stillness, eat it, sit down, and hear the earth rotating beneath your body. Today, in Cubao, I hear the P.A. system at Samson College of Science and Technology over the compound fence (some kind of training or orientation session seems to be going on there); people in the streets are walking about as usual, laughing and conversing; music is playing from radios and TV sets; and, even on P. Tuazon Boulevard, there is at least one vehicle passing by every second.
In our neighborhood no one sponsors pabasas anymore. A shame, really, because I love going to sleep with the chanting of pabasas in the air. I love the sound the way I love the haunting, melodic, simultaneous calls to mosque. No one buys woven palm fronds anymore; I recall that I used to buy dozens, bedeck our windows with them, and arrange some in vases, but I myself no longer do that because they are too rustic and end up as dust-catchers. We have no senakulos that go on and on from sunset through sunrise. We have no spectacular Easter parades. My children and grandchildren never had any of these in their childhood, yet I am glad that I did. As a playwright, all of these were what convinced me of the strong correlation between religion and theater.
When a country's theater dies--literary theater, not commercial, stage entertainment--so do its religions.
And so I sit in front of my computer screen, recording these thoughts and waiting to see what happens next.
In our neighborhood no one sponsors pabasas anymore. A shame, really, because I love going to sleep with the chanting of pabasas in the air. I love the sound the way I love the haunting, melodic, simultaneous calls to mosque. No one buys woven palm fronds anymore; I recall that I used to buy dozens, bedeck our windows with them, and arrange some in vases, but I myself no longer do that because they are too rustic and end up as dust-catchers. We have no senakulos that go on and on from sunset through sunrise. We have no spectacular Easter parades. My children and grandchildren never had any of these in their childhood, yet I am glad that I did. As a playwright, all of these were what convinced me of the strong correlation between religion and theater.
When a country's theater dies--literary theater, not commercial, stage entertainment--so do its religions.
And so I sit in front of my computer screen, recording these thoughts and waiting to see what happens next.
E2 visited. We had avocado and banana fruit shakes at M.'s cafe. Gave him my Batman oil pastel painting, three books on magic, a Chinese water clock, an enchanted rainmaker, and a miniature statuette of the Chinese God of Happiness.
A long time ago E2 asked S. to make him a pastel oil portrait of Gandalf The White, based on a movie still, and S. was able to finish it in time for E2's visit.
A long time ago E2 asked S. to make him a pastel oil portrait of Gandalf The White, based on a movie still, and S. was able to finish it in time for E2's visit.
My Act This Easter
Like a protagonist in a Paul Auster novel I, with the help of S. and E2, started tearing up the contents of one box of diaries (volumes dated 1996 - 2011). As the pages flew by I caught glimpses of the places I'd been to, the stories I wrote, the people I met, the things I bought, the premieres and gallery openings I attended, the workshops I led, sketches, ideas for novels and plays, and my innermost thoughts. It was an act of catharsis.
The idea to do this became firm in my mind when, after my daughter-in-law Ivy's funeral in July, I looked at the tombstones in the cemetery and realized that all of those people who passed away have nothing but their names, their dates of birth, and their dates of death to be remembered by. Who was I, then, I asked myself, to hope to be remembered more than they, and what right had I to even try?
In a way I am glad that I won't leave any of those diaries behind for other people to read after I'm gone. As it is I already caught E2 absorbed in reading passages and using an un-torn page to wrap one of the items I gave him, and I didn't like the feeling!
The idea to do this became firm in my mind when, after my daughter-in-law Ivy's funeral in July, I looked at the tombstones in the cemetery and realized that all of those people who passed away have nothing but their names, their dates of birth, and their dates of death to be remembered by. Who was I, then, I asked myself, to hope to be remembered more than they, and what right had I to even try?
In a way I am glad that I won't leave any of those diaries behind for other people to read after I'm gone. As it is I already caught E2 absorbed in reading passages and using an un-torn page to wrap one of the items I gave him, and I didn't like the feeling!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Never settle for having only a brilliant mind.
How you physically look to others should be brilliant as well. This entails your body, the food you eat, your habits, your wardrobe, your hairstyle, and your jewelry. Yes, even your cologne. I believe that it keeps you alive longer.
Posting this because I recently learned that an old professor suddenly passed away. He was one of my readers at UST Publishing House. He had a sharp mind and was himself an incisive writer. He was, to me anyway, rather dowdy, if not shabby, and didn't seem to care how he looked like.
How you physically look to others should be brilliant as well. This entails your body, the food you eat, your habits, your wardrobe, your hairstyle, and your jewelry. Yes, even your cologne. I believe that it keeps you alive longer.
Posting this because I recently learned that an old professor suddenly passed away. He was one of my readers at UST Publishing House. He had a sharp mind and was himself an incisive writer. He was, to me anyway, rather dowdy, if not shabby, and didn't seem to care how he looked like.
I love it whenever people refer to inanimate objects with the Tagalog pronoun "siya", as in "Mas maigi siyang gamitin". It seems to convey a deep respect for all Creation, the belief that spirit pervades all things, and that we meaningfully interact not only with our fellow human beings but with Nature and all other matter as well.
Like being surrounded with too many doors to enter or too many roads to take, having too many choices for anything at all is a bad thing. No matter what you finally decide to choose, you will always feel dissatisfied and uncontent.
In all mythology, the ideal number of choices has always been three.
In all mythology, the ideal number of choices has always been three.
Christine Bellen, author of the famous Mga Kuwento Ni Lola Basyang series, visited. Took her to lunch at M.'s cafe. Gave her my acrylic painting titled Waiting for Halloween, my green witch head candle holder, a pair of anthropomorphic clay figures from Palawan, a mama-oh necklace from Ifugao, an antique bead necklace with kendi beads, a bead necklace by a famous bead maker in Ubud, Bali, an authentic Yakan xylophone purchased during a Spirit Quest in Zamboanga many years ago, my miniature busts of Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio, my big, antique, Maranao sarimanok, a three-ink-bottle rack with bottles engraved "Dove's Blood", "Dragon's Blood", and "Nightshade", a dip pen with a carved, wooden handle from Pendemonium of Iowa, hardbound, coffee table books, and a carved, wooden Santo Nino de Cebu. We have too many interests in common, whew! Strangely, our ground floor STILL looks crowded.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Filipinos are intelligent Cash Cab contestants. Once they've won all that money and the host offers them "double or nothing", they decline and exit the cab with the money they already have as soon as possible. That is because they watched "double or nothing" on TV the first time around and saw how the contestants LOST. All it takes is ONE loss for everyone else to back off smartly.
Whenever someone loses, Cash Cab is NOT the cab that pays you money. It is the cab that disappoints you. Like all other cabs.
Whenever someone loses, Cash Cab is NOT the cab that pays you money. It is the cab that disappoints you. Like all other cabs.
When H. came to visit me yesterday she reminded me that, roughly between 2004 and 2010, my weight dropped considerably. I became Stephen-King THIN. Everyone thought it was because I'd gotten hospitalized, but, really, it was because I was painting non-stop and must have held at least three exhibits within that time frame.
Oil painting is unhealthy. Rectified turpentine can actually kill you.
I dread going back to painting again, but I have to do three big ones to replace the existing art in M.'s cafe. As a matter of fact I plan to change the paintings there at least once a year.
I just might decide to do this set in acrylic.
Oil painting is unhealthy. Rectified turpentine can actually kill you.
I dread going back to painting again, but I have to do three big ones to replace the existing art in M.'s cafe. As a matter of fact I plan to change the paintings there at least once a year.
I just might decide to do this set in acrylic.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
The word "atchay" refers to:
1) Uncivic-minded citizens who think only of themselves and not of the nation as a whole.
2) Yes, also servants (actual domestic servants or corporate boot-lickers)--because anyone who willingly submits himself to being someone else's servant is the very person responsible for violations of human rights. There will be no masters if there are no slaves.
Poverty is not an excuse for being someone else's servant.
1) Uncivic-minded citizens who think only of themselves and not of the nation as a whole.
2) Yes, also servants (actual domestic servants or corporate boot-lickers)--because anyone who willingly submits himself to being someone else's servant is the very person responsible for violations of human rights. There will be no masters if there are no slaves.
Poverty is not an excuse for being someone else's servant.
Improve everything you can on your own. Never wait for people to notice what is wrong, to criticize, or to complain. Never wait for things to get worse. Never wait for other people either to pay for what needs to get done or get blamed for not doing it.
It's called initiative. It's called conscience. It's called not-thinking-like-an-atchay.
It's called initiative. It's called conscience. It's called not-thinking-like-an-atchay.
When someone comes to you and asks what you see in his/her future, do NOT tell him/her what you see. First, you have no right to intervene in anyone's future. Second, he/she has no right to know--it is not only unnecessary, it also interferes with his/her karma. Third, and most important of all, he/she will only get addicted to asking for readings about his/her future, which is a sure sign of laziness and psychological indolence.
Instead, advise the person regarding the CONCRETE STEPS and HARD WORK that he/she needs to do IN THE PRESENT--including the time that he/she is wasting asking you for a reading.
Instead, advise the person regarding the CONCRETE STEPS and HARD WORK that he/she needs to do IN THE PRESENT--including the time that he/she is wasting asking you for a reading.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Tony Perez's Art of War: Let your enemies believe that you are still interested in the same things they know you to be interested in. Do not let on that you have moved on to other things.
In their attempts to feverishly compete with your old self, they will suddenly discover that they are only feverishly competing with themselves.
In their attempts to feverishly compete with your old self, they will suddenly discover that they are only feverishly competing with themselves.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Finally caught an episode of the new The X-Files on FOX. It was great seeing Mulder and Scully again, and at their current, chronological ages, too, but the series seems to have different writing, different direction, and different production design. This episode had a man in a Creature from the Lagoon suit and too much humor, which I know David Duchovny not only enjoys but especially prefers. It came across as a hodgepodge of Grimm, Supernatural, and Kolchak: The Night Stalker. I miss the dark, oddly-lighted sequences of the original series, and the one, unique thing that other such TV shows do not have: the extraterrestrial connection.
Spent an afternoon clearing Ivy's dresser of contents. It was my mother's old dresser. Discovered a lot of jewelry, including many that I'd given her in the past, among them a huge, oval, water opal pendant set in 14k yellow gold.
I showed the dresser to my eldest sister from Sydney, when she was here, and she agreed with me that it is time to dispose of it. Giving it to D.
Also giving S. my mother's/later Ivy's wooden sculpture of the Holy Family. S. wants it, and I can't find a proper place for it in the house. It is better off going to someone who will love it. This is an original sculpture by Arturo Suarez, who must have passed away already because he was an old man at the time he made this piece, and that was 25 years ago.
I showed the dresser to my eldest sister from Sydney, when she was here, and she agreed with me that it is time to dispose of it. Giving it to D.
Also giving S. my mother's/later Ivy's wooden sculpture of the Holy Family. S. wants it, and I can't find a proper place for it in the house. It is better off going to someone who will love it. This is an original sculpture by Arturo Suarez, who must have passed away already because he was an old man at the time he made this piece, and that was 25 years ago.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Tony Perez's Art of War: Allow your enemies to believe that they have won over you. After a certain period of time, take off the veil of invisibility and show them that it is really you who has won over them, perhaps even tenfold.
Enemies are always flabbergasted when they see that their victory is not only an illusion but that their defeat is also RETROACTIVE.
Enemies are always flabbergasted when they see that their victory is not only an illusion but that their defeat is also RETROACTIVE.
Yesterday evening during a consultation, a student asked me whether I ever used magic to get back at other people.
My answer was, of course. Not doing so would be like mastering jeet kune do and not using it when attacked.
He asked me if I were not incurring karma that way.
My answer was, not at all. I ALWAYS WAIT FOR THE OTHER PERSON TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE, AND WHAT HE DOES ENTAILS A CERTAIN CONSEQUENCE, OR SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. Therefore, whatever I do would be my self-defense and HIS karma.
My answer was, of course. Not doing so would be like mastering jeet kune do and not using it when attacked.
He asked me if I were not incurring karma that way.
My answer was, not at all. I ALWAYS WAIT FOR THE OTHER PERSON TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE, AND WHAT HE DOES ENTAILS A CERTAIN CONSEQUENCE, OR SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. Therefore, whatever I do would be my self-defense and HIS karma.
In Cubao, the cicadas start singing as soon as the sun sets. The tree branches turn a deep olive, like dark lace, and the fruit bats scribble wild sentences across the lavender sky. Sometimes I smell the perfumed smoke of dried leaves set to fire at the feet of acacias, but it is only a memory of evenings from my childhood in San Fernando, Pampanga.
I am beginning to enjoy sunset, twilight, and dusk all over again, now that I am calm and centered in my captain's cabin bedroom and not fighting for survival in devils' traffic, attempting to get home alive.
I am beginning to enjoy sunset, twilight, and dusk all over again, now that I am calm and centered in my captain's cabin bedroom and not fighting for survival in devils' traffic, attempting to get home alive.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Finished reading Strange Tales from China. Now reading More Strange Tales from China, its companion volume, also collected by Pu Sung-Ling, translated by Herbert A. Giles, and published by Graham Brash of Singapore.
I bought this in 1990 and, again, set it aside to read and enjoy upon my retirement, and I am now doing exactly that.
I bought this in 1990 and, again, set it aside to read and enjoy upon my retirement, and I am now doing exactly that.
Tony Perez's Art of War: Be aware of the people who cannot stand your success and your happiness, and who envy and begrudge you for them. They follow you, they monitor your life, and they watch your every move. They typically stay in the background, but some of them are disguised as your fans.
Move forward and progress against all odds, especially because of them. Pretend to be completely ignorant of their existence. Like forking a queen in chess, you improve your status while increasing their suffering.
Move forward and progress against all odds, especially because of them. Pretend to be completely ignorant of their existence. Like forking a queen in chess, you improve your status while increasing their suffering.
Before I retired, every day began with waking to the alarm clock at 4:30 AM, taking a morning shower, getting dressed for work, getting on two trains, spending a full day at work, then going home on two trains again, taking an evening shower, and going to bed. I was nothing more than a clockwork orange.
Now, every day is a new adventure that I can plan and shape whichever way I want to. I give my full attention to my family and do only the things I like doing.
This is how I want to live the rest of my life, and this is how I want to die, with the additional wish that I hope it happens peacefully and in my sleep.
Now, every day is a new adventure that I can plan and shape whichever way I want to. I give my full attention to my family and do only the things I like doing.
This is how I want to live the rest of my life, and this is how I want to die, with the additional wish that I hope it happens peacefully and in my sleep.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
L. finally showed us her opals but neither Angelique nor I wanted any of them. They are too small. The fire opals were really interesting, though. They actually look enchanted.
Asked L. to bring me her ruby collection next. She has some (including big ones from India!), and I want Aubrey to see them.
Asked L. to bring me her ruby collection next. She has some (including big ones from India!), and I want Aubrey to see them.
I look out of my window on this sultry day and thank God for the Philippine summer. I recall being buffeted by the cold wind on an island off Olongapo two years ago and wishing that all of it would stop, that I could take off my shirt and walk through the crisp forest for as long as I liked, and that I could lie down on the grass with a glass of iced lemonade while listening to the humming of air-conditioners behind the cottages,
Take on the heat because it makes you loving, friendly, and effusive, because it dries your laundry quickly, because it enables you to varnish your paintings any time you want, because you can walk anywhere without having to duck under awnings and umbrellas, because it offers a cornucopia of tropical fruits and delights such as jalu-jalo after jalan-jalan, and, let us face it, because sweating can be healthy.
Watched Love by Design for the third time two nights ago, and then Lethal Seduction last night, both on DIVA. The first is a typical DIVA romance, the kind that is pleasurable to watch (in this case because of the fashion interiors and the rustic, Romanian scenes), the kind you can leave to make a phone call or take a little snack and then go back to without really missing anything.
The second was a strange concoction. It seems to have been written for Brian Gosling 15 years too late, and the female villain comes across as auditioning for the role of Queen Pasiphae in a future remake of the Atlantis series. I was disturbed that its creators didn't quite realize that ALL of the characters were basically unpleasant, and so, it was most difficult to sympathize with any one of them. Is this a spoof on community dysfunction?
Like Love by Design, this seems to have been shot for decorative viewing, which is fine especially if one turns on the TV one last time before drifting off to sleep. The time-lapse cityscapes were nice the first three times, and then superfluous and boring. But what I really couldn't take were those Finding Nemo transition shots!
I will re-view Love by Design at any time.
The second was a strange concoction. It seems to have been written for Brian Gosling 15 years too late, and the female villain comes across as auditioning for the role of Queen Pasiphae in a future remake of the Atlantis series. I was disturbed that its creators didn't quite realize that ALL of the characters were basically unpleasant, and so, it was most difficult to sympathize with any one of them. Is this a spoof on community dysfunction?
Like Love by Design, this seems to have been shot for decorative viewing, which is fine especially if one turns on the TV one last time before drifting off to sleep. The time-lapse cityscapes were nice the first three times, and then superfluous and boring. But what I really couldn't take were those Finding Nemo transition shots!
I will re-view Love by Design at any time.
I remember at least two Assistant Cultural Affairs Officers whose office management strategy was to hold "confidential" conversations with employees, elicit gripes against other employees, and then go on to those other employees and do the same.
Fortunately, it is part of diverse Philippine culture for underdogs to generously share information among friends and enemies alike, and so, this was one management strategy that just did not and will never work.
Were these officers actually trained to do that? The same quirk is not only apparent but also rampant in TV shows on fashion, modeling, cooking, racing, and house construction, in which participants are encouraged to bitch against one another, as though nothing can be entertaining without it.
In all fairness to such TV shows, there are two that consistently nourish HIGH ESTEEM AND RESPECT for ALL of their participants, be they winners or losers: American Ninja Warrior and The Voice.
Fortunately, it is part of diverse Philippine culture for underdogs to generously share information among friends and enemies alike, and so, this was one management strategy that just did not and will never work.
Were these officers actually trained to do that? The same quirk is not only apparent but also rampant in TV shows on fashion, modeling, cooking, racing, and house construction, in which participants are encouraged to bitch against one another, as though nothing can be entertaining without it.
In all fairness to such TV shows, there are two that consistently nourish HIGH ESTEEM AND RESPECT for ALL of their participants, be they winners or losers: American Ninja Warrior and The Voice.
I wish that people would stop saying "F___ you!", "F___ that!", "What the f___!", and the like. I have always considered the sex act not only as sacred but also as pleasurable, and I cannot comprehend how it is used in anger, as a casual expletive, as a verbal missile, or as a curse.
Linguists should trace its origin, like the origin of "Crap". Is it British? Is it American? It is certainly not Asian It is in the English language). It could be the equivalent of saying "Rape you!", which would then fall in with people raised on warrior mentality. It is, I am sure, frequently used by people who subconsciously advocate human trafficking and pornography. Like Uncle Tom's Simon Legree.
It is not, I hope, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Buddhist. It would be horrifying if that were so.
Linguists should trace its origin, like the origin of "Crap". Is it British? Is it American? It is certainly not Asian It is in the English language). It could be the equivalent of saying "Rape you!", which would then fall in with people raised on warrior mentality. It is, I am sure, frequently used by people who subconsciously advocate human trafficking and pornography. Like Uncle Tom's Simon Legree.
It is not, I hope, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Buddhist. It would be horrifying if that were so.
Your Messenger message:
"Good morning Sir Tony,
"This is my bestfriend's house here in Cebu. They are just renting the unit since november last year. I've been to the house once pa lang and I thought there's more presence here than the family of my friend. I just want to hear your insights sir smile emoticon
"Have a nice day Sir!"
My reply:
Hello ___________!
First of all, there are spirits everywhere. Second, there are more spirits on earth than human beings in living, corporal bodies, because most human spirits prefer to stay and guide their loved ones as they go through their travails.
I am not posting the photos because someone else might recognize them. The interiors are quite distinct and unmistakable. smile emoticon
The most interesting things I saw, if you can pardon me for seeing them, were scenes of abuse, mostly of older people to younger people. I saw one girl in particular--and I hope she is not your best friend but a previous inhabitant or someone farther in the past--being beaten up and dragged down the stairs. That bedroom with the cushion on the floor was also used a lot for sexual activity.
I hope I am wrong.
Even if I am wrong, please tell your friend to have the staircase repainted light blue.
Your follow-on message:
"yung sister ng bestfriend ko Sir nakakarining ng heavy breathing for the past few months. Tapos they've been hearing the toys of their baby na umaandar sa taas. Den last night lang, yung sister na nakakarinig nung heavy breathing eh nilamig ng sobra, parang lalagnatin and while they were contacting their mom sa states through skype palagi dawng nawawala ang signal when they are about to pray the rosary. 1st time."
My reply:
The girl was heard weeping at night by an elemental, specifically a cafre, and now the cafre wants her to be its friend. It should be greeted and its presence acknowledged aloud, and then asked to reside in a piece of jewelry (the stone must be real--precious or semi-precious--not fancy) that the girl can wear for protection and success (due to the aid of the cafre).
This is not a unique case or situation.
"Good morning Sir Tony,
"This is my bestfriend's house here in Cebu. They are just renting the unit since november last year. I've been to the house once pa lang and I thought there's more presence here than the family of my friend. I just want to hear your insights sir smile emoticon
"Have a nice day Sir!"
My reply:
Hello ___________!
First of all, there are spirits everywhere. Second, there are more spirits on earth than human beings in living, corporal bodies, because most human spirits prefer to stay and guide their loved ones as they go through their travails.
I am not posting the photos because someone else might recognize them. The interiors are quite distinct and unmistakable. smile emoticon
The most interesting things I saw, if you can pardon me for seeing them, were scenes of abuse, mostly of older people to younger people. I saw one girl in particular--and I hope she is not your best friend but a previous inhabitant or someone farther in the past--being beaten up and dragged down the stairs. That bedroom with the cushion on the floor was also used a lot for sexual activity.
I hope I am wrong.
Even if I am wrong, please tell your friend to have the staircase repainted light blue.
Your follow-on message:
"yung sister ng bestfriend ko Sir nakakarining ng heavy breathing for the past few months. Tapos they've been hearing the toys of their baby na umaandar sa taas. Den last night lang, yung sister na nakakarinig nung heavy breathing eh nilamig ng sobra, parang lalagnatin and while they were contacting their mom sa states through skype palagi dawng nawawala ang signal when they are about to pray the rosary. 1st time."
My reply:
The girl was heard weeping at night by an elemental, specifically a cafre, and now the cafre wants her to be its friend. It should be greeted and its presence acknowledged aloud, and then asked to reside in a piece of jewelry (the stone must be real--precious or semi-precious--not fancy) that the girl can wear for protection and success (due to the aid of the cafre).
This is not a unique case or situation.
Monday, March 14, 2016
In a real Haring Bakal initiation, you can only be given seven blows at one time, because each blow is hard enough to impair or kill you.
You then come back the following year for another seven blows, until you accumulate a minimum number of 49.
The blows will leave bruises on your body that will last two weeks.
You then come back the following year for another seven blows, until you accumulate a minimum number of 49.
The blows will leave bruises on your body that will last two weeks.
Your Messenger message:
"Hi Sir Tony! Kamusta po?
"I just want to ask if what are these for? After seeing this posted on a door, I remember you. hehe"
"Hi Sir Tony! Kamusta po?
"I just want to ask if what are these for? After seeing this posted on a door, I remember you. hehe"
My reply:
This is a protective talisman, or "panipas" in Visayan, as you can see the word written on the sheet; "tagaliwas" or "pang-iwas" in Bahasa Philippines. The upright figure in the center with divided triangles is the sinturon, or belt, of Haring Bakal, a.k.a. Tadtad in Mindanao--and Pulahanes in the Visayas, where you are.
It is quite strange that it is exposed, though it is probably typically sealed in that Chinese "lai see" envelope. The talisman has nothing to do with being Chinese, though. The owner used it only because it is red, a protective color and also the color of Haring Bakal belts, vests, and kerchiefs.
The spelling of "TENET" as TINIT" is another clue that the origin of this talisman is Visayan.
If the owner of the house is a Haring Bakal practitioner, he is also probably a member of the volunteer group Guardians.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
When you build an aquarium, construct it well, fill it with water, and revise it if it displeases you. Contemplate it in the daytime and at night. ONLY AFTER SOME TIME should you decide to put fish in it, for it is the aquarium, not you, that will decide which types of fish to place there.
Never begin by telling yourself that you want some goldfish, or some moon fish, or some angel fish, or some guppies. It never works out that way.
Never begin by telling yourself that you want some goldfish, or some moon fish, or some angel fish, or some guppies. It never works out that way.
Question: When a spirit guide converses with you, does it do so in its language or in yours?
Answer: Both. If its language is unfamiliar to you, you hear both languages at the same time, because the messages that come through are simultaneously filtered by your psyche.
Elementals, for example, speak a language that does not sound like it is comprised of distinct words, but, when one hears it, one also has an intuitive comprehension of it.
Answer: Both. If its language is unfamiliar to you, you hear both languages at the same time, because the messages that come through are simultaneously filtered by your psyche.
Elementals, for example, speak a language that does not sound like it is comprised of distinct words, but, when one hears it, one also has an intuitive comprehension of it.
Re-viewed Way of the Dragon, written, directed, and acted in by Bruce Lee himself. He was also its fight master. I did so because my 1/4 Enterbay Way of the Dragon arrived yesterday.
This is probably the only movie in which Bruce Lee shows us his sense of humor. Since he was the director, he had carte blanche to laugh at himself. It is set in Rome and most probably began as a single-scene idea: the showdown in the colosseum, around which the rest of the story seems to have been built. A lot of exteriors were actually shot in Rome, but I suspect that most of the sequences, especially the interiors and the backyard scenes, were shot in Hong Kong.
The fight scenes are still fantastic, of course, but the entire production is rather stagy--it is comprised of entrances and exits. As a matter of fact, most scenes begin and end with people literally going through doors. (The director WAS a Drama/Theater major, after all.)
My favorite villain, Wei Ping Ao (of Fist of Fury) is in this movie too.
Love that kitten, which kept the highly-contrived colosseum scene interesting.
Just one little thing: I really don't think those wooden darts work.
This is probably the only movie in which Bruce Lee shows us his sense of humor. Since he was the director, he had carte blanche to laugh at himself. It is set in Rome and most probably began as a single-scene idea: the showdown in the colosseum, around which the rest of the story seems to have been built. A lot of exteriors were actually shot in Rome, but I suspect that most of the sequences, especially the interiors and the backyard scenes, were shot in Hong Kong.
The fight scenes are still fantastic, of course, but the entire production is rather stagy--it is comprised of entrances and exits. As a matter of fact, most scenes begin and end with people literally going through doors. (The director WAS a Drama/Theater major, after all.)
My favorite villain, Wei Ping Ao (of Fist of Fury) is in this movie too.
Love that kitten, which kept the highly-contrived colosseum scene interesting.
Just one little thing: I really don't think those wooden darts work.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Your Messenger message:
"Hello sir! " I had a dream last thursday night that I was with my younger brother, we are in a company and I entered in an office where there is a man who is wearing corporate dress( caucasian looking) and he gave me a document and asked me to sign on it by giving me a black pen but i picked the blue pen instead of black and he placed a stamp on the paper.what does it mean?"
My reply:
Hello ___________!
You seem to have omitted many emotion-loaded details. Given the scanty information that I have to go on, I perceive this as a dream about sibling rivalry. You might be in competition with your brother, whether it is conscious on your part or not.
That you did not follow instructions regarding the black pen means that you do not care what kind of success you get, as long as you can outwardly show your brother that you are a success.
"Hello sir! " I had a dream last thursday night that I was with my younger brother, we are in a company and I entered in an office where there is a man who is wearing corporate dress( caucasian looking) and he gave me a document and asked me to sign on it by giving me a black pen but i picked the blue pen instead of black and he placed a stamp on the paper.what does it mean?"
My reply:
Hello ___________!
You seem to have omitted many emotion-loaded details. Given the scanty information that I have to go on, I perceive this as a dream about sibling rivalry. You might be in competition with your brother, whether it is conscious on your part or not.
That you did not follow instructions regarding the black pen means that you do not care what kind of success you get, as long as you can outwardly show your brother that you are a success.
Your Messenger message:
"Hello sir what does it mean by dreaming a rainbow?"
My reply:
Hello _____!
I am unable to interpret your dream because you omitted the most important element, the dream NARRATIVE. The psyche is not a painter, it is a storyteller.
If you remember what the dream narrative was, send it to me.
"Hello sir what does it mean by dreaming a rainbow?"
My reply:
Hello _____!
I am unable to interpret your dream because you omitted the most important element, the dream NARRATIVE. The psyche is not a painter, it is a storyteller.
If you remember what the dream narrative was, send it to me.
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