Go GREEN. Read from


The Hermit of Cubao

The Hermit of Cubao
Photo by Marlon Cagatin, December 13, 2015

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Although Roy Alvarez suddenly died, he'd well beforehand put together all of his magical stuff and sent them to one, trusted person. That was because he practiced only one of the 52 magical systems.

I can't go that way. I need to classify my magical stuff according to different systems and, after setting aside what my relatives can use, place them in the hands of different, trusted, apprentices, not just one person.
Good noon, Cubao!

Slept nine hours last night, and it felt great!
Dinner at home with the granddaughters.

Into the third chapter of "Murder in Canton".
Still hearing the sound of slashing rain.
I miss the scent of old comic books, specifically Junior Classics Illustrated and Classics Illustrated, the kind my mom and my aunt used to buy me at a local grocery store called Pop's after a haircut. I have never encountered that scent again, and I never will, because paper and ink are no longer what they used to be.

The only thing that has remained constant through the generations is plastic.
A major artist, whether a writer or a painter, is he/she who creates a new form and initiates a movement that renders others derivative of himself/herself, not he/she who demonstrates mere mastery of technique.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Spent another two hours on the jigsaw puzzle, and it was crunch time--all the pieces are of solid colors and the trick pieces are kicking in, compelling me to take apart portions that I felt belonged together. I managed to locate and assemble only five pieces.

Amazingly I saw the parallelism between assembling this 1,000-piece puzzle and the exercises in hermeneutics we went through at Maryhill School of Theology, where we were made to study passages of Scripture in koine Greek and derive their meanings: first the meaning of a passage alone, then the meaning of the passage in between two other passages, and then between two other passages on either side, and so on.

Started reading "Murder in Canton".
Lunch with Aubrey at home. Angelique is with her classmates attending an organizational function at MOA.
On a leap year, celebrate Valentine's Day on the 15th. If you must celebrate it on the 14th, celebrate it AGAIN on the 15th.
Look into the light of the future, not into the darkness of the past.
There will always be a dragon for everything.

Dragons are Oriental angels that none of the Renaissance painters ever saw through.
Sometimes the universe sends you something that is not for yourself but for someone else.
Finished reading "The Red Pavilion" last night, and it was another exquisite experience. It was like relishing a plateful of candied fruit, like tracing my fingers over soapstone carving set into a camphor box, like gazing at the picture on a silk, Chinese folding fan.

Reading "Murder in Canton" next.

Judge Dee books will always be precious to me.
Good morning, Cubao!

Bright, sunny, and cool! A delightful Sunday with friendly neighbors and tenants in the driveway.

Aubrey and I had two tall glasses of taho from the vendor who comes to the compound twice a day. I recall that a glass of taho was my early morning soy breakfast outside the office building.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.

But actually bought two, foot-long hot dog sandwiches, not burgers. Aubrey, who'd just arrived from the last day of their campus fair, wanted one too.

There was a long line at the stand and I re-crossed the street several times, but when you promise your child or grandchild a foot-long, hot dog sandwich, losing your patience over slow service is no excuse. Their appetite is whetted, and they expect you to deliver at all costs.

The hot dogs are being advertised as halal, but I sincerely doubt that they are because they are fried on the same griddle as the hamburgers!
Though this comes late now by a month, I wish to congratulate DIVA for being the only channel in this world that really and truly celebrated Christmas EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT of the month of December 2015.
A warrior need not sleep with his armor on.
No one really tests you. It is you who tests yourself.
We are always in a state of need. It is how much we can endure and cope with that counts.
Opportunity is not a door that one must knock on.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Back from the center. Bought a lot of things but avoided buying ephemera.
Time has been at my command ever since I retired, and now I am annoyed at the slightest adjustment in schedule I have to make, such as waking up early to go somewhere or meet someone. Not a nice habit, I know, but it feels like sweet vengeance on all the times I had to rise at 4:30 AM just to get to work.
Sometimes you have to be kind to yourself by not watching the news and caring only about yourself in your delicious, private space.
Let us face it, the first American Ninja Warrior will have to be a naturalized Chinese acrobat. He will probably breeze through all stages while spinning plates on long poles between his fingers.
Good morning,Cubao!

A cool day.

Thinking of doing groceries and shopping for at least two hours at the center.
Dinner with Angelique at M.'s cafe. Aubrey and her classmate want to go FDS.

I had sisig tonight. Whenever I treat my companions to it they do the usual ritual of mixing everything well on their sizzling plate, but I like eating it as served. Every spoonful then has a different taste: now pure sisig, now green chili, now red onion, now raw egg white, now raw egg yolk.
Whenever I offer my granddaughters something or ask them if they like something, they say "Okey lang po". Sometimes it means yes, sometimes it means no.
It is possible to be a dreamer and a doer at the same time, because the opposite of being a dreamer is being a non-dreamer, and a non-dreamer is not necessarily a doer.
I love retirement for allowing me to reread all of my favorite books at leisure--and eliminating books I no longer want and should never have bought in the first place.
It is less uncomfortable to go hungry in the heat than to go hungry in the cold.
Tweedledum is on a diet, and it makes him a crosspatch on the air.
Progress on The Red Pavilion. Judge Dee meets Magistrate Lo, of the neighboring district Chin-hwa, on Paradise Island. Magistrate Lo is in a hurry to attend to an emergency in his district, and asks Judge Dee to pick up the investigation he has begun, regarding a young man who allegedly committed suicide after being rejected by the Queen Flower, the most beautiful courtesan on the island. Judge Dee attends a formal dinner originally intended in honor of Magistrate Lo. He learns that the young man died inside the locked bedroom of the Red Pavilion, where Judge Dee himself is staying, three days ago. Ma Joong mingles with townsfolk and conducts his own investigation on the matter.
Aubrey is back from the third day of their campus fair. She brought home a classmate who is sleeping over.
Never take on a student who is too full of himself.
Lots of gold monkeys being sold for Chinese New Year at the Sitio Catacutan Market. Felt so tempted to buy a pair but swore to myself to avoid cluttering the house again.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hot showers cleanse you of body dirt and body oils.
Dividers will never go out, for they are very versatile. They serve as walls, curtains, screens, and light filters.
Sometimes, when I am at M.'s cafe, there is a distinct tingle in the air, like a mild, electric current that only I, apparently, can feel. It alerts me to something that might happen somewhere else. This time around I feel that it will occur southeast of Metro Manila.
Good afternoon, Cubao!

Back from my sister Remi's birthday celebration at MegaMall. We had coffee after.
Started rereading The Red Pavilion. Judge Dee and his assistant Ma Joong are spending the night in the Red Pavilion on Paradise Island after a long day of travel. It is the Festival of Hungry Ghosts, all of the hostels are booked, and there is much carousing. Stopped reading after the exquisite check-in scene in which the pavilion and its rooms are described in detail by lamplight and candlelight and Judge Dee is about to be served his tea on the veranda.

Feeling like traveling myself with an apprentice to such a thrilling, mysterious place!
Set aside The Red Pavilion by Robert van Gulik to read tonight.
Dinner with Angelique and Aubrey at M.'s cafe.

Already figuring out in my mind how to make the cafe L-shaped.

The night plods on.
Men and women feel helplessness and despair differently.

Men say that they feel like they are being driven into a corner.

Women say that they feel like they are being choked or strangled.

For this reason, men and women encounter their Shadow also differently in their dreams.
Fish is good, but know that, an hour after you eat it, your genital sweat will smell fishy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tony Perez's Art of War: The best last words on one's deathbed are not what one wants others to do in one's memory, but what one promises to do after one's physical death.
OMG Bad Grandpa! <------moi

As it turns out, Angelique is at home after all. She has no classes today because it's the feast day of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and I completely forgot!

Took Angelique to lunch at M.'s cafe. As for myself, I had a cup of M.'s brewed coffee.
Here is the life of misery that I see many adult Filipinos going through:

--Applying for jobs and being interviewed by atchay officers.
--Having atchay supervisors.
--Having one's initial paycheck delayed.
--Being underpaid, feeling underpaid, and being made to believe that that is all that one deserves.
--Being compelled to splurge on a blowout once and if one's paycheck arrives.
--Being solicited to give contributions to pay for the funeral expenses of complete strangers.
--Being excised "withholding tax" and other fees, so that the typical atchay question to every employee is, "How much is your 'take-home'?"
--Being taken on merely as a contractual employee, so that one does not have plantilla benefits and retirement annuity.
--Going hungry at the office and deliberating whether to spend money on pricey food or not.
--Commuting through devils' traffic.
--Commuting through highways that have no public toilets.
--Being at the constant mercy of pickpockets, thieves, drug addicts, and troublemakers. And atchays.
--Having no emergency transportation fund if a vehicle breaks down.
--Having no emergency transportation vehicle even if one has an emergency transportation fund.
--Saving up for something, only to find out that one's wife and/or children need the money desperately.
--Going hungry at home.
--Paying rent for a ramshackle place located in a not-ideal neighborhood.
--Retiring and having no financial source to rely on.
--Circulating in an atchay society that values youth and beauty more than wisdom and experience.
--Being medicated and/or hospitalized and having to pay exorbitant bills.
--Finally dying, the last thought a nagging worry as to who will cover funeral costs. (Most probably other employees who are strangers.)

A well-off man saving up P25,000 to buy something and a poor man saving up P2,500 to buy something go through the same amount of anxiety.
The granddaughters are at school: Angelique at university and Aubrey at her campus fair wearing one of her three new sets of clothes.

Lunch alone at M.'s cafe. One of those rare times when I feel unplugged from everyone else and everything else. This was a slow, two-hour lunch without my having to be there or wait for anyone but myself, and I relished every minute of it.
Noon hangs like a giant bed sheet on an old clothesline.
There are two important guidelines in using multiple colors:

1) Symmetry and balance
2) Accent
The morning marches by in a dazzlingly white, starched, schoolboy's uniform.
Your Hangout message:

"Hello Tony, my interview was moved to next week ________. I have been anxious about it - for obvious reasons. I plan to prepare myself for it and do my best. I was asked to conduct a ________ for __________________ of my ____'s _______. The topic is _____________________. That is scheduled for next week - tentatively on the same day of my interview at _________________. Today, I may keep a low profile since I am not feeling particularly well. Perhaps a quiet day is best for me. I believe it is because I have been feeling anxious and stressed. Please forgive my sending you these notes/updates. I send them since I know you to be one who gives sensible and practical advice. Thank you for your patience."

My reply:

Hello _____!

Sometimes companies deliberately postpone job interviews--and even sometimes do so more than once--to test applicants' patience and tenacity. Take everything in stride and know that, even if you need this job very badly, if you do land it, it was meant to be from the very beginning, and, if you do not, it would only have made you miserable in the long run--all of this regardless of when the interview was held. One does not desire a job; it is the job that desires one. Just be yourself during the interview, be sensible and level-headed, and do not rehearse for it like a role in a stage play.

It is quite all right that your _________ is scheduled on the same day of your interview. That has happened to me many times before, and I have always transcended it. View it as a challenge of multitasking.

Stress kills men more than common vices do, so relax and be kind to yourself. Take a lot of vitamin C. Rest--I have always perceived you as a live wire.

It is quite unfortunate that you are miles away. Otherwise I could spend some time with you. It is amazing how "tea and sympathy" really helps.   

Sleeping Not With The Enemy

Over the years I've been traveling for work, for Spirit Quests, and for pleasure, and there have been times when I've had to share a room with another person. Having been single all of my life I've always found it difficult to sleep well in the same room or in the same bed with someone else.

There is one person, however, whom I shared a room with in two places, who seems to be the sole exception. Oddly, he was a participant in one of my "Writing from The Heart" workshops in the south, and there is a huge age gap between us. We have nothing in common but are extremely comfortable with each other and even think alike. I have never seen this person again, but I wouldn't mind traveling with him once more.
Good morning, Cubao!

Slept late, didn't nightwalk, and woke up early.
I love watching the Batman series on Toonami before going to sleep, and I continue to believe that Toonami is a channel for adults.
Today at D.'s store I met someone whom I swear I have an astral connection to.
M.'s cafe is doing well as a "local local"--meaning, a neighborhood eating place that caters to nearby residents without relying on transients. They haven't been open a year and have been focused on serving good food, which is important to me because we often eat there.

Next year I'll help M. by doing some renovation and redecorating to improve the atmosphere.
When the family wants longganisa, what I actually buy at the Sitio Catacutan Market is pork baloney.
I was a nightwalker last night. The deep tissue massage may have prevented me from sleeping. Many SM (social media) friends, including workers and students, were on-line through the wee hours. Waiting to see if the same will happen tonight.
Dinner with Aubrey at M.'s cafe. Angelique opted to sleep through the morning; she has no classes tomorrow.

I envy Angelique for being able to sleep whenever she wants and as long as she wants, even after she is awakened briefly.
It is a luxury to be able to do only things that make you happy.
The earth is dry and the sky is clear, but I hear rain rattling on tin rooftops.
He who keeps office at City Hall is gravely ill, but believes that no one knows it.
The night lays its head on a pillow embellished with star-shaped sequins.
Your mind is as discriminating as your tongue, for it has taste, and it savors.
There IS a way to read other people's minds without being psychic, and that is to look at their social media pages.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Always be attuned to your children. Know when they have a deep, desperate need for anything.
Make your family as happy as you can, for there will always come a time when it will be too late and you will wish you had.
Took Aubrey to M.'s cafe for a late lunch. Angelique arrived later.
Aubrey just arrived. She went shopping after school and bought new clothes to wear during her school fair.

My granddaughters like wearing new clothes for the simplest occasions, but I don't discourage them from doing that.
Many walls and pages on social media are mere illusions, and being on-line is always an excellent exercise in discernment.
Now reading Isaac's play for dramaturging.
Whenever you post something in cyberspace, always assume that EVERYONE can see it. Otherwise you are in for many, big surprises.
A late lunch and two cups of French roast coffee.

Home alone, granddaughters in school.

A serene day with mellow sunshine, pet birds chirping gleefully in the aviary, and garden plants basking in watercolor-pretty light and shadow.
Good afternoon, Cubao!

Slept nine hours last night.
The magic just never stops.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Still watching The Journey of Flower on GTV. It's the magic that holds my attention.

The two things that frustrate me about wuxia are that I do not understand Mandarin and that I am unable to tell which dynasty a story is set in.
Mid-afternoon deep-tissue massage.

Was all set for us to have dinner at M.'s cafe, but then Angelique brought home siomai to steam. Pan-fried salami to go with it.

Dinner at home with Angelique, Aubrey, and J.
If you are constantly exposed to a foreign language (such as English) in your own country, go out of your way to learn and master that language. Do not allow your education to be contingent on translations.
She came to the Philippines with the secret agenda of converting Filipino contacts to her religion, but everyone quickly saw through that.

I wonder how she is, now that she may be having problems in her own country.
Since I am no longer stressed by devils' traffic commuting to and from work, by dealing with supervisors and co-workers, and by having to meet deadlines for simultaneous projects, and since I am mainly at home while my granddaughters are in school, I find that I am centered more often than usual, and that it is sheer bliss. As a result I am better able to be of assistance to people who are not centered and come to me for help, and show them how to be centered in many ways that I had not seen when I had not yet retired.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The wheat may be divided from the chaff, but the chaff has many uses that the wheat does not have. A lot more uses than being eaten.
Home alone. Both granddaughters in school.

Two cups French roast coffee.
Good morning, Cubao!

Chilly dawn, cool morning,
Sometimes you encounter the perfect partner you've been waiting for, only to realize that he or she came too late by several years or just one day.
Promise yourself, not the world, that you will become somebody who makes a difference someday.
Whenever I come across a Godzilla replay on HBO I think of Alan Holst. He has the complete Godzilla DVD collection. But now, so do I--because my sister Sylvia sent me hers from Sydney.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A sunny day in Cubao.

Amazing how it's snowing hard in China and Japan at the same time. They're just above us on the globe!
Good morning, Cubao!

Taking a break from the puzzle today.
When the night stirs, so do your thoughts and feelings, for you are always one with Nature.
Tektite, which is abundant in the Philippines, keeps you connected to extraterrestrial activity. If possible, sleep with it on you at least once a month.
All men age beautifully except when they try to look forever young.
Even in stillness, wherever you are, if you listen hard enough you will hear the waves of the primal ocean.
A lesbian will confide her deep loneliness. Listen and sympathize.
Listen to the voices beyond the night, beyond the sounds of the city, beyond the music of the cicadas.
I always admire how the poorest of employees manage to keep themselves well-dressed, neat, and fresh.
Two more hours on the puzzle.

Angelique and J. arrived mid-afternoon, but J. had to leave before dinnertime.

Dinner with Angelique and Aubrey at M's cafe.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Late lunch with Aubrey and Rouel at M's cafe.
Good morning, Cubao!

Sunday is the day when everyone in the house has the luxury of rising late from bed.
Watched Annabelle for the first time on HBO. A well-made horror movie to me, because:

1) The female protagonist is level-headed, screams only when she is really threatened, and dresses normally without trying to look sexy for the audience.
2) There are no characters who are initially friendly and then turn out to be villains, i.e. there are no betrayals, and, as a result, the audience does not feel betrayed.
3) All of the scary scenes are well-executed and are not repetitions of techniques copied from earlier movies.

The corny factor, sadly, is that, as in other horror movies, the ending scene shows that evil is not destroyed and is about to be transferred to another family. Trite and overused.

Also couldn't appreciate that horrid doll made up to look like Michael Jackson's last transformation.

In all, however, I enjoyed this movie as much as I did Rosemary's Baby, and even noted that it seemed like a prequel to The Invoking.
Chinese dinner at home with the granddaughters.

We discussed relocating the kitchen. I thought we should have it where the studio office is right now, but the granddaughters said it should be where the studio is, because it has a side entrance, to facilitate deliveries. They are right.
A 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle never fails to re-open one's third eye.
Loving the tone and tenebric lighting of the jigsaw puzzle. It is a cross between Caravaggio and an Oriental movie poster.

Q. either lost interest in Bruce Lee (he claims it was a gift from an uncle) or doesn't know that a puzzle is much more spectacular than the box cover when assembled.
Lunch with Aubrey at M.'s cafe.

Angelique arrived from university later but had eaten on campus.

Two more hours on the puzzle.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Managing a group is like being married and committing yourself. You don't take in members who've been going to bed with others.
Never opt to work with groups as a lifetime occupation.

In the end, you will realize that you were terribly used.
Good morning, Cubao!

Woke up briefly 3:00 AM and had a brief conversation with R.B. He was his same, jovial self. He seemed rather worried about T.A., the friend he loves very much. He told me of the things he plans to do in his present state. I asked him if he could do a couple of things for me, but only if they were within his capacity.
Dinner with Aubrey at home, then we had mango shakes at M.'s cafe.

Angelique arrived half an hour later, as I was catching the last fourth of 10,000 B.C. on HBO.
Two more hours on the puzzle.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The most affordable but not necessarily the easiest room rearrangement is cleaning out your closet.
Always see things from the point of view of everyone, in rotation.
The suitor who must travel far is the suitor who is always near you.
It pays to always look your best, especially when someone is going to see you and will not see you again until after a long, long time.
If it is not possible to bathe in moonlight, then bathe in the darkness of the night sky.
Be happy. Enjoy everything. It is better to be a big frog in a small pond than to not be a big frog at all.
Merge, rather than isolate.
Sometimes I feel that God would not have given us sicknesses that we cannot cure by ourselves, without the aid of doctors.
Late lunch alone at M.'s cafe. A languid day to me, though others must be frenziedly finishing up a week's work at their respective workplaces, since it's a Friday.

Thank God It's Friday everyday.
Two more hours on the puzzle.
If your computer doesn't work despite your wi-fi, you need a wire that connects your computer directly to the wi-fi box.
We turn off the lights and sleep at night so that the house gnomes and pixies can take over the space.
Good morning, Cubao!

Whenever I smell star anise in my bedroom, I know that my Filipino-Chinese friends are thinking about me.
Like an exciting painting in progress the puzzle calls me at the oddest times of the day and night, but I am giving it only two hours a day and am refusing to give up my rest.
Dinner at home with Aubrey. Angelique came home much later. She went with her classmate C. to C.'s church. They had dinner out.
Two hours on the puzzle.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lunch alone at M.'s cafe. The cafe was bustling with neighborhood regulars. There I was, sitting with my TinTin journal, absorbing snatches of conversation for future stories.
The sky is a sheet of paper on which a sparrow, in its flight, writes my name.
My reply to your PM:

I am thrown off whenever you refer to yourself as "bipolar". I have known manic-depressives, including women who become garrulous and hyperactive during the onset of their period. I have known melancholics, who are basically oversensitive people with a very low sense of self-esteem. I have known cynics, pessimists, skeptics, and the darkest of the dark. But I have yet to meet a real "bipolar".

Bipolarism--to me and to me alone, anyway--would have to be a syndrome that exists ONLY in countries that have severe winters, since it would afflict mainly people with inflexible cycladic rhythms.

It is difficult for me to conceive of bipolars in the Philippines, where we have only two seasons, where the sun is always shining, where even acquaintances are touchy-feely, where entertainment abounds at cheap prices, where there are too many restaurants and no one seems to go hungry despite poverty, where melodrama and hysterics are modes of expression even in politics, and where people like myself can walk the streets in outrageous costumes and no one bothers to take a second look.

Sometimes I feel that when a Filipino says that he/she is bipolar, he/she is merely being faddish, since it became pretentiously fashionable to be "bipolar" three years ago, or is merely using that as an excuse for shortcomings in his/her personality.

You may be moody, you may have the blues, you may be in a funk, you may have a bad-hair or bad-moustache day, you may have job dissatisfaction, you may have a dysfunctional family--but I would never call you "bipolar".

Here is the best advice I can give:

1) Learn how to relax.
2) Allow things to happen.
3) Know how to have fun.

I hope this is helpful to you.
Your PM:

"i...have a...concern--re: tarot cards. i have 4 decks (rider-waite, sasha fenton's, spanish-english, fantasy). i went into a 'tarot phase' some months ago and got them. i first got the fantasy deck--fancy, but it paved the way for me to explore tarot. 2nd is the spanish-english deck, which for some reasons, i get a scary vibe. 3rd is sasha fenton's deck, which i find friendly. and lastly, the rider-waite deck, which upon opening, i sensed anger, like literally--the cards are angry and mean.

"months have passed, my interest on tarot diminished. i kept them away. i was wondering--what am i doing? is it okay? is there a sort of 'bad luck' for doing it? part of me thinks of getting rid of them, part of me says no as i have a history of doing things impulsively like getting rid of things and regretting them later. what's the best thing to do about them? why did my interest in tarot fade?

"thank you sir."

My reply:

Hi ___________!

Tarot cards are mere springboards for telling stories. A spread will tell one story, reshuffling them will tell another. All of those stories come from your intuition. There is nothing wrong with them, they are simply works of pop art. On a psychological level they function like projective techniques, like the old Thematic Apperception Test and Rorschach's Inkblots, if you allow the querent, rather than yourself, to read the stories themselves.

I myself have eight decks or so. I used to have a hundred but eventually sold or gave away the decks I didn't feel like using. Keep yours because they easily go out of print and out of stock, and you can sell them at high prices to others when they become collectibles.

There is no such thing as a "Tarot phase". You pick up interest in them, as you would in any plaything or book, get tired of it later, and in the future may or may not renew or rekindle your interest in them.
Good morning, Cubao!

Bright and sunny.

I note that the nights have been alternately hot and cool.

Night Classes

Watched the replay of the entire series of Home Free, a wonderful show that of course can never be replicated anywhere at any time.
Halfway through Beverly's play. I should be able to post my comments on Writing from The Heart on Monday.
Enjoying the 1,000-piece puzzle. It brought back memories of my childhood and teen years. I of course put together more difficult puzzles before.

If your child is a budding visual artist, the best way to teach him/her about tone, continuity of line, composition, and Gestalt perception is by challenging him/her with such puzzles. The puzzles, however, must have pictures. Blank puzzles do not teach anything but patience.

Angelique, Aubrey, and J. were not interested in joining the fun. I can understand how jigsaw puzzles can be boring to a generation that is accustomed to electronics. However, I believe they are missing out on a lot!
Started piecing together the Bruce Lee jigsaw puzzle.

Dinner with Angelique and J. at M.'s cafe. Aubrey decided to stay home and have hot, noodle soup and two hard-boiled eggs for supper because her teeth ache--she went to the dentist's to have her braces tightened this evening.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Last night watched my second Real Murders: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery on DIVA. Irresistible to me because the protagonist is a proactive member of a Real Murders Club, a community group that meets weekly with a guest resource. The murders in this episode are patterned after fictional and historical murders in literature, somewhat a la Theatre of Blood, but that also makes everything contrived. Still, a nice, cozy viewing to snuggle in bed with.

Love those floor lamps, those small pots of grass on shelves, that coffee and candy shop, and that key rack with a tiny mirror!
Finally finished reading Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973.

I am 64, and he is now 75. Still, he is always 33 years old in my mind.
"To hell with circumstances! I will make the circumstances from now on!"

--Bruce Lee quoted by Jhoon Rhee in "Bruce Lee As Seen Through The Eyes Of Fellow Martial Artists", Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973 (Los Angeles, California: Rainbow Publications, Inc., 1974)
"He did not want to prostitute his art, but he wanted to express it to the world."

--Wally Jay on Bruce Lee in "Bruce Lee As Seen Through The Eyes Of Fellow Martial Artists", Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973 (Los Angeles, California: Rainbow Publications, Inc., 1974)
Angelique back home from university and Aubrey back home from school and her third day of midterms.
I have about 50 board games that I collected over the years and I'm glad I still have them; I know that I will enjoy them over and over again with my family and friends. They're such a refreshing change from electronics.
"How many times/
Have you looked at a rose?/
Think it over/
Can you explain/
How it blooms and it grows?/"

--Burt Bacharach
The morning sits still like a pensive housekeeper who has just finished sweeping the floor.
Wait until the week is over.

Actually, female.
More and more former students of magic are coming to visit, now that I'm retired. It's nice to relax and spend some time with them, and no longer have to scold them for anything--bwahahahahahaha!
Good morning, Cubao!

The husband of one of the Sitio Catacutan Food Court stall owners brought me a special order, as he promised. Henceforth I don't need to go to their stall to check whether they have this dish; they will bring it to me whenever it is available.
"It's a shame a great martial artist such as Bruce had to leave us so soon, but I feel that he accomplished more in his lifetime than most people will accomplish in 70 or 80 years, so I don't feel that he was really shortchanged. He really accomplished what he wanted in life, and that is what life is about. It is not how long you live but what you accomplish while you are living..."

--Chuck Norris on Bruce Lee in "Bruce Lee As Seen Through The Eyes Of Fellow Martial Artists", Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973 (Los Angeles, California: Rainbow Publications, Inc., 1974)

Monday, January 18, 2016

"Know the rules, follow the rules, dissolve the rules."

--Bruce Lee in "Bruce Lee As Seen Through The Eyes Of Students Of Jeet Kune Do" by Dan Inosanto, Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973 (Los Angeles, California: Rainbow Publications, Inc., 1974)
"...The best thing you can do for your students is to give them a feeling of success. Guide your students to find their own capabilities and their own talents. Help them grow, force them to do their own problem solving, by giving them frustration. Guide them to find the cause of their ignorance."

--Bruce Lee in "Bruce Lee As Seen Through The Eyes Of Students Of Jeet Kune Do" by Dan Inosanto, Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973 (Los Angeles, California: Rainbow Publications, Inc., 1974)
Lunch alone at M.'s cafe.

Angelique arrived from university, and then Aubrey from her second day of midterms.

Going through a closer reading of one of the plays 'm dramaturging.
Overcast sky above Cubao, as white as the newly-scoured, stainless steel blade of a kitchen knife.
Last night was a night of visitation by spirits for many of my Google+ Followers. I hope they remembered their dreams and hypnogogic visions. The messages for them offered solutions to their current issues. There was nothing to be afraid of.
Keeping in touch with Q. He's been sending me Viber messages. Today is his grandfather's funeral. Somehow he found a photo of me in an article on the Net and sent it to me, asking if I am that person indeed.

I sent him photos of my Bruce Lee altar.
Good morning, Cubao!

Home alone. Both granddaughters in school.
Angelique back home from their dinner.

In the meantime I sat up alone waiting for this young man to bring me his brand-new Bruce Lee glow-in-the-dark puzzle that he was selling on the Net. I suppose I'll put it together and just have it framed someday. After all I don't see my granddaughters disassembling it and putting it back together again for fun.

I wish he'd stayed longer, for tea--I always want to know the story behind the item I'm buying and the person I'm buying it from. He was, however, in a hurry to go to Arlington Memorial Chapels, where it's the last night of his grandfather's wake. How could I tell him that his grandfather was already inside his car with him? Bwahahahahahaha!

I'm sure his name was fake, but do I care? How lucky am I, anyway--such vendors usually insist on meet-ups in some far-flung, inconvenient location, and here he was, delivering the thing right at my doorstep!

Now, how many crazy, completely insane, people in this world have a 1,000-piece, glow-in-the-dark, Bruce Lee puzzle? Bwahahahahahaha!

Dinner with Aubrey at home.

Angelique and J. are having dinner out.
Accepting someone's love is not only a choice, it is a responsibility.
Now someone who is selling a Bruce Lee item wants to come and see me at 8:00 PM. And bring his stuff along, of course.

How could I say no? Bwahahahahaha!
A friend from a social medium visited. Met him for the first time. Since I'm decongesting the house, I gave him a book, four magical stones, and a pair of antique, magical figurines.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Your PM:

"hello sir! i need your help.
"isa pa ding misteryo sakin yung suicide ng mother ko nung ____. tuwing napapanaginipan ko sya, di sya nagsasalita, di ko alam kung bakit. habang nagtatagal, parang may nabubuo sa isip ko na di lang basta suicide yun. feeling ko may kinalaman tatay ko e. gusto ko lang talaga malaman yung totoo ano ba talaga nangyari.
"baka may interested din na magpunta kung san sya natagpuan, i'm willing to give the address. biruin mo, __ yrs nang palaisipan sakin to. i know she has depression and suicidal tendencies, pero yung pagsusuicide nya, it still remains a mystery. parang may mali. di ko lang talaga matukoy kung ano.
"alam nyo yung kutob, basta ganun. di ko lang ma gets bat never sya nagsalita sa panaginip ko.
"here's the only solo photo of her that i can find:
"if this would help, here's the postmortem pic of her:"

My reply:

Hello __________!
I scanned both photos. First, I want you to know that your mother is at peace, and that she appears in your dreams not to ask for vindication but to caution you that you also have self-destructive tendencies that you must avoid. In a sense, you are projecting whatever negativity remains in you onto your mother's life and death. It is the same projection at work in your volunteer activities, that is why such activities are attractive to you.
Your mother's case is one of suicide and not murder. Although the persons, personalities, and attitudes of the people surrounding a depressive person most certainly contribute to the final act of one's taking one's own life into their hands, those people are not to be blamed at all. They were merely being themselves, and became part of the karmic cast of characters into which your mother chose to be born. Moreover, they have their own karma to pay without your intervention.
I hope that this is helpful to you. I am willing to meet up with you over coffee at the Cubao Hogwarts Express Station to discuss this further, if you like. In the meantime, live and love with a sense of humor. Do not take on other people's burdens. They have their own journeys to travel, as do you.
The afternoon waddles by me like a thoughtless passerby concerned only with himself.
OMG saw two more things I want to buy on-line! Two more things that I REALLY WANT, I mean.

I have always believed that Drugs are The Devil. Now I also believe that On-Line Shops are his eldest son!
Back home from buying something that I need, phone cards for the granddaughters, and two more chairs from H. I've now changed our dining room chairs for a different look.
When renovating and decorating, go over the edge. It's the only way to make a difference.
It is easy to fall in love with a dancer. All you have to do is watch one, fine performance and you are hooked for the rest of your life.

It is hardest to fall in love with a painter, for you must contend not with a body, not with a mind, and not with a personality, but with a vision born of someone else's imagination.
If everyone has different religious practices and it isn't anyone's fault and no one can change it, what is the point of continuing to discriminate?

Isn't it clear by now that there is more than one god, or even goddess, at work?
Your dizzy spells indicate that you have not been drinking much water.
Good morning, Cubao!

Slept ten hours last night.

Lunch at home with Angelique.
Watched the replay of Eat Pray Love on Sony Channel and enjoyed it all over again. However, I enjoyed the book much more. The movie's sequences are disjointed and asymmetrical, and lack the most important element of all: Elizabeth Gilbert's fantastic sense of humor. What the movie offers is a serious romance that features not Elizabeth Gilbert but Julia Roberts.

I visited Bali as part of the first Philippine delegation to the Ubud International Writers Festival some years ago. During my free time there I traveled all the way to Ketut Liyer's home to consult him, and I wasn't sorry I did. The movie production had packed up two weeks earlier. Everyone was still talking about the shoot. I also had the opportunity to meet Ketut's son Suriyah, who tried to sell me a piece of jewelry. Now I wish I'd bought it.
I love turning on the bathroom tap and feeling the water in my hands on very sunny days. The water flows cool, then tepid, then pleasantly warm from pipes exposed to the sunshine.It brings back happy memories from my childhood in San Fernando, Pampanga.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Watched Jessabelle on HBO last night. Enjoyed it for a special reason, but I don't like the ending. Like Mommy, this movie is really about human sacrifice, which always comes across as immature.
This is where I also am. Both accounts seem to have identical content, but they do not. My Google+ page is more complete.


I will accept as Friends only Followers of my Google+ page.
Before retirement, my life was spent outside my house and my concerns were all about encountering the persons who were there. After retirement, my life is now being spent inside my house and constantly improving it, and the only persons who now matter to me are my family.
You decorate your account with the best photos of your face, conveniently forgetting that everything you post is a true photo of your mind.
There is only one truly brilliant mind in every decade or more. Others are LED minds that drain off after a prescribed number of hours. No one bothers to replace either the batteries or the bulbs.
There are hundreds of thousands of masters' theses and doctoral dissertations stashed away in the National Library since the 1950s. How many of those really and significantly changed the history of our nation? How many of those are mere psychobabble?
Follow your heart, but take your head along with you.
Academic research brings you into the minds of other scholars but never into your own.
Many people's minds have built-in carbon paper.
Lunch with Angelique and Aubrey at home. So nice to have the house back to normal after the renovation.

Will wait at least six months before the next project.
When the left is ahead of the right, the entire picture changes.
Good morning, Cubao!

Slept nine hours last night.

Angelique and J. came home from their Star City adventure 12:05 MN.
He was a most unlikely spirit guide, but he said that he came to me not because of the work he professed when he was living in a corporal body but because he saw in me traits he used to have.
Dinner with Aubrey at M.'s cafe.

Waiting up for Angelique and her friends to come home.
You can never replace the person you admire or the person you abhor.
It is ironic that survey results are being used to manipulate what people should choose, when they are supposed to be reflections of what the people have already chosen.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Back from H.'s. Bought two more chairs, because the granddaughters liked the first two.

I love that H., his mother, and his brother treat me so well: they give me discounts on tag prices and arrange immediate deliveries to my home. H.'s brother, as a matter of fact, personally delivered the last two chairs for me.

All of them are born-again Christians but are never judgmental toward me, and it is because they are basically good persons. It has nothing to do with their making money.
Your message:

"Dreamed of this last Thursday morning....

"I found myself walking outside, near the basketball court in the village Where I reside. It was a peaceful day, a bit sunny and breezy. then I suddenly thought of entering the court, on the garden side, when I came in, I turned to the right then continue walking. There were few people doing their own thing. I recognized one person, who I know as 'Ka Ike' (ayk), an INC member, he was in a half kneeling-half sitting position, but I ignored him and continue walking. I didn't stop walking as I got to pass my sight at him. Then I stopped on an elevated area. I was the only person there, looking at the beautiful views in front of me. There were lots of luscious very green leafy trees covering almost the whole view, and few roofs of houses. I was just standing there in the middle and front portion of that elevated area, I think with my legs a bit far apart and my fists on my waist, standing there like a boss (hahaha). Then I found myself walking and walking again. I stopped and raised my head and looked up at the sky, I noticed the huge white cloud, I can't figure the form out. the sky is bright and blue. the cloud is at the left side. the sun is also present at the right side so I can't look at the sky very well because it's so bright that I almost couldn't look at it (nakakasilaw). While looking at the sky, I felt sad, like nangungulila, like I'm missing something very badly. 

"It rained lightly, like I was just being sprayed with water. Out of nowhere, I grabbed a pair of sunglasses then I was already able to directly look at the sky."

My interpretation:

You are currently attracted to a man, or to more than one man, not due to his/their personalitiy(ies) but to their physicality/physical attributes. This is a man (or these are men) whom you know you can never really have. The more dominant parent in your life has always been your father, and he still is whether he is physically alive or has already passed on. In this dream he appears as Ka Ike, one of the manifestations of your superego, and he reminds you of the values you have been raised with and the values of the institution that you are working in. 

This a good dream, though. The last part of the dream indicates that you are able to see the overview of your life with full maturity and intelligence.

You also now know that it is very much possible to enjoy and appreciate life--with or without men.


We are what we are by nature, and we wonder why other people want to change us.

Considering that we will always be what we already are, I mean.


It's Scout TuaSon and P. (Pedro) TuaZon.
I am neither gaining nor losing weight, but find that I am always ravenous during and after a house renovation.

I now know what my next renovation project is, which is to relocate the kitchen.
I am planning the entire week for me to read my Judge Dee books in peace inside the newly-repainted den.
It is the student's duty not to agree or disagree, but to listen.
Everyday I see the Polaris dune buggies in the showcase across the street, and everyday I want to buy one.
Thoughts are fleeting, not like water but like the breeze.
Angelique is with friends at Star City. They will probably come home after sunset.

Lunch with Aubrey, who is feeling better, at M.'s cafe.

B. wants to come but this is one of those days when I want to enjoy the house all by myself.
Sometimes you have to stop the river when you see that it rushes rather than flows.
Whenever he wears his cap with the visor behind his head, it is because he wishes he had a better shirt to wear.
It is fine for an artist to use a camera to take reference photos as aids, but the best references remain one's memory, one's experiencing, and one's feeling.
Your magic peaks whenever rainbows come inside your house.
I love Google+ and I love that the hoi-poloi find difficulty managing it, and eventually discovering that it is not conducive to their immature preoccupations.

Other systems have yet to find out that being "user-friendly" is being "abuser-friendly".
You had an erotic dream last night, but your psyche has repressed the memory.
Good morning, Cubao!

Slept ten hours last night.

Thinking of buying two more chairs today.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.

P. Tuazon Boulevard was astonishingly lined with vehicles in heavy traffic at this hour. If not for the dark skies, it might just as well have been 3:00 PM.
Dinner with Angelique at M.'s cafe. Aubrey doesn't feel like eating.

We tried one of their appetizers, potato chips and caesar salad dressing. Will try the thousand islands dressing next time.
Make one person happy everyday. Very soon the whole world will be happy.
Remember that The King's Treasure is water.
Do not race either with the tortoise or the hare.
If your boat is already sailing on smooth waters, do not pray for waves.
There will be two more.
In the Philippines there's Cash Cab, but there's also Crash Cab, Bash Cab, Gash Cab, Slash Cab, Mash Cab, and Sass Cab.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Back from H.'s. Trying out two chairs before I buy another four.
Angelique, Aubrey, and J. are now at home. I think we'll just do FDS for lunch to reduce the morning stress.

D. gave me a spray of lakatan bananas. Nice.

Text-messaging someone who is selling me a Bruce Lee item.
Like a hopeless crush, a cloud never lingers too long. It floats on, changes shape, or dissipates.
Death is a gray cloud that crosses the sky and casts shadows on flowers.
Images of your loved ones in embarrassing and compromising situations cross your mind, and you ask me why. It is because those are the people whom you hurt but who forgave you, and now you are punishing yourself with the very thoughts that are hurtful to you.
The school clinic called. Aubrey has a fever. Angelique and J. are off to pick her up and take her home.
They want to vote for Donary Clump.
They hied to his funeral, wanting to be seen. Unbeknownst to them, the god who lives in cemeteries chose the next one from among them.

Sometimes, when people go to cemeteries, they are auditioning for death.
Good morning, Cubao!

J. woke me up early this morning. He came to see Angelique.
"A teacher, a really good sensei, is never a giver of  'truth'; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that the student must discover for himself. A good teacher, therefore, studies each student individually and encourages the student to explore himself, both internally and externally, until, ultimately, the student is integrated with his being. A good teacher is a catalyst. Besides possessing deep understanding, he must also have a responsive mind with great flexibility and sensitivity."

--Bruce Lee, "Liberate Yourself from Classical Karate," in Bruce Lee: 1940 - 1973 (Los Angeles, California:  Rainbow Publications, Inc., 1974)
Back to The Journey of Flower. It has a midnight replay. I might catch that one too.
Dinner at M.'s cafe with Angelique and Aubrey.

Angelique reviewed our Mummy DVD trilogy. She has picked up an interest in Egyptian mythology.

Aubrey is feeling under the weather. She went to sleep directly after dinner. I hope, she feels better tomorrow. I note, though, that when children fall ill it is because they want something very badly. Aubrey has been wanting a pair of expensive sports shoes for some time. I have a suspicion that she will get well after I buy her that pair.
People usually conceive of color combinations in terms of two colors only. Go beyond convention and think in terms of threes, fours, and fives.
There is no such thing as a wrong color combination. It is always a matter of choosing the right hue or the right shade.
Saw a beautiful necklace designed like an ancient Egyptian pectoral at Araneta Center, but passed on it because I have too much jewelry already.
Been sleeping eight to nine hours every night, and napping an hour in the afternoon. I always nap with the TV on.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I find that I write copiously on unlined and unlined paper, but am stymied on graph paper. I picked up one of Aubrey's old graph paper notebooks to write notes on but found that I could do so only in fits and starts. Perhaps it is because my subconscious associates graph paper with drawing and Math rather than writing.
The calm after the storm. Enjoying the house in peace while thinking up the next renovation project.
I observe that many good-looking homosexual men unable to find their niches end up getting married to plain-looking women who promise them material security and happiness.
Atchays still say "Nagpunta ako sa abroad" instead of "Nagpunta ako abroad." That is like saying "Nagpunta ako sa on-line" instead of saying "Nagpunta ako on-line."
All of Angelique's friends now call her Pearl, but everyone in the family still calls her Angelique. I know the feeling. Everyone calls me Tony now, but my relatives still call me Boy and Bojie. In San Fernando, Pampanga, as a matter of fact, no one recognizes the name Tony Perez, but if you ask for Boy Silva, they all know who that is.
Paid S. for a half day today, and of course fed him lunch. I am quite pleased with the repainting and the general house cleaning.
Atchays are oversensitive because their greatest fear is being criticized. They fear it more than they fear poverty, loneliness, illness, and death.
It is really impossible to read everyone's lips, because it is also impossible to read everyone's penmanship.
On that social medium, the look of 2015 was selfies taken on raised hands, at high angles, with equally raised eyebrows and going as wide-eyed as possible, everyone trying to look the way Justin Bieber did a decade ago and conveniently forgetting that Justin  Bieber doesn't want to look like that anymore.
Back from the Cubao Hogwarts Express Station, where I met FF and had double-shot espressos and blueberry cheesecake slices with him. He sold me his Bruce Lee booklet and toy shuriken.
When I was in graduate school for Clinical Psychology, one of the Social Psychology teachers required her students to keep journals, ALSO REQUIRED that she read each and every one of them, and based their grades on that. What an atchay. I'm surprised that no one in her classes--considering that all of them were adults--complained about such an invasion of privacy.

You cannot teach reflectiveness and introspection to anyone.
Every landlord is a reflection of his tenants, and vice-versa.
The performer turned activist, and is on his way downhill.
Good morning, Cubao!

Meeting a special friend this afternoon.

Chekovian Irony

I climbed ev'ry mountain and searched high and low for his new mobile number, and then, when I finally had it, I decided that I don't want to reconnect with him after all. Now he is text-messaging me every week and I've been ignoring each and every message he sends me.
Watching The Journey of Flower, the wuxia currently being serialized on GTV, even if I can't understand a word and even if I can't stand the clingy, whiny, female lead, because I like the magic that it features.
On that social medium, if you choose to use a photo of your dick as your Profile Picture, maybe that is all you have and maybe that is all you are.
Someone from India Chatted with me on the other social medium. He had no Photos of himself, but, all throughout the Chat, I could very clearly see what he looks like.
I do not mentor girls who are prone to the phenomenon of transference. At the first indication that it is happening, I cut the metaphorical, umbilical cord. Immediately.

Sitio Catacutan's Greenwich Village Is Alive And Well This Evening

Our tiny neighborhood is a bustling elfin mound again. Ducati Motorcycles, now also known as Victory Motorcycles/Indian Motorcycle/Polaris, is reopening after their latest renovation with formal catering and a bevy of guests, including the Mayor, who is due to arrive later this evening. Artery Art Space is open too, and so are a lot of other shops, including M.'s cafe!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Devils' traffic always takes up 40% or more of the local news, and it is the kind of infamy that devils enjoy and will never give up.
Feeling like watching Fist of Fury (The Chinese Connection) (not to be confused with FistS of Fury) again, because it is my favorite Bruce Lee movie.
Repainting and cleaning finished, mid-afternoon. Lots more creative possibilities, but enough is enough. I want to move on to something else.
Wednesday, Wednesday/
So good to me/
Good morning, Cubao!

Seventh day of our repainting project.
"There would be another song for me/
For I will sing it/
There would be another dream for me/
Someone will bring it/

"I will drink the wine while it is warm/
And never let you catch me looking at the sun/
And after all the loves of my life/
After all the loves of my life, you'll still be the one/

"I will take my life into my hands and I will use it/
I will win the worship in their eyes and I will lose it/
I will have the things that I desire/
And my passion flow like rivers through the sky/"

--Richard Harris

We all had dinner at home.

Were I not retired, I would already be measuring my stress level because tomorrow, Wednesday, is the middle of the work week.
End of wall repainting, Day 6. Finishing touches and a thorough cleaning tomorrow. And then, a little painting task that will cap the entire project.
Wondering why kids can compete against adults as chefs but not as writers and as painters.

Is it possible that cooking is an art that does not require mental and emotional maturity?
Interesting how, in ancient times, cities were kingdoms and mayors were kings, and each city was surrounded by walls and was well-protected by armies.

Today, in Metro Manila, cities are separated only by tin signs hanging by the side of the road. The real disconnect, however, is that mayors still believe that they are kings.
Every act of building a home is an attempt to live in Paradise.

Monday, January 11, 2016

"...At the end of the day/
In a dream that's divine/"

--The Platters
A husband must ensure that his wife blooms to her fullest like the most beautiful flower, yet a wife must also do the same to her husband.
Do not replicate yourself in different social media. Otherwise your readers will look at you on only one and not on all.
You build a house never for yourself but always for your children.
Good morning, Cubao!

Sixth day of our repainting project.
He perished tragically in a fire, and he will tell you all about it tonight.
"Walk On!"

--Bruce Lee
Third wall is almost done. It should be completely done by tomorrow, after which we commence repainting the fourth wall.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.

S. had dinner at home too.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Never set a deadline for a personal project. It exists for you to relish every minute of it.

More Is More

I have always enjoyed having more and afterward keeping what I want and discarding what I don't want, than having less and dreaming constantly of acquiring enough on a day that may never come.
When I wax my moustache and the handlebars don't curl right, it means that I should not go out and meet you.
There is something about her eyes that tells me she is wily and deceptive. Her mouth smiles one way, her eyes smile another.
Lunch with Angelique at M.'s cafe.

Good morning, Cubao!

Fifth day of repainting four walls.
"Be water."

--Bruce Lee
I gave the little girl a Sinukuan amulet, an enchanted stone from _________, and a toy house. Before I left her house she gave me a basket of fruits that had a red envelope tucked into it. "I hope this isn't money," I said when I picked up the envelope. I took the fruits but gave her back the envelope. Her family isn't rich after all, and I really do not ask for compensation for psychic services.

Later this evening, ____, who flew in from the U.S.A. a few days ago and whom I'd never met before, visited. We had a snack at M.'s cafe. He suddenly pulled out items from his knapsack and gave me Bruce Lee items I'd always wanted but never expected to have. At least, not today.
Back home from the spirit quest before sunset. Angelique, Aubrey, and J. have arrived from the wedding. S. is still at _____________ for his Sunday afternoon jaunt, and will be back 7:00 PM.

On the way home ____ called me on his mobile. He is en route to M.'s cafe from _____________. I hope he finds it. He arrived from ______ a few days ago and must be experiencing culture shock from the crowds, the devils' traffic, and the train system, among other things.

Filipinos who come back to the Philippines after living several years abroad are some of the unhappiest people I have ever known.

Spirit Quest North of Metro Manila (Sunday, January 10, 2016)

Picked up from home 2:00 PM sharp  by the little girl's uncle and grandfather.

After performing a tawas on the girl, I scan her and tell her my findings. She does NOT want to have her third eye closed. Neither does her mother.

I ask the family members to construct a cardboard house. After they are done, I ask the girl to place a white stone from ____________ inside it. The cardboard house is then located inside the girl's bedroom. The spirits who frequently show themselves to the girl now have a residence, and she can study and sleep in peace.

I need to do a follow-on visit a month or two from now.