- Today
- A Messenger conversation with R., a young composer who lives in the U.S. He is one of my favorite students. His journey is a difficult one.
- 7:44am
Benjamin Zamora Silva
Almost done. Actually I need one more day, but have gotten quite ill from the fumes. - 7:44am
- 7:44am
Benjamin Zamora Silva
Oil is really lethal. A lot of artists gave it up for health reasons. However it is still the best medium. It lasts for centuries. - 7:45am
a noble cause
i was wondering
looking through you pictures of the painting
the bottom seems so bright and vibrant
and the top kind of dull
not in a bad way
but in some sort of juxtaposition
is that on purpose?
for instance
the top left leaf
could be like the wings of the fairies
i'm not criticizing
was just curious
as to how you saw it - 7:51am
Benjamin Zamora Silva
Yes. The purpose of glazing this painting is to make all the surrounding colors cool, gradually growing warmer as they approach the fire. It creates the illusion of a blazing fire. The colors I chose are from a restricted palette, all earth colors. The introduction of other colors would distract the viewer from the focal point of the picture--either the fire in the pit or my crotch, depending on how you see it. I also wanted to convey an oppressed, secret-meeting atmosphere.Cool colors were furthermore necessary because I had to provide breaks between the masses of flesh, which are rendered in warm colors. The masses of flesh would otherwise be too overwhelming, - 7:52am
- 7:52am
Benjamin Zamora Silva
It is really a very sensuous painting, but best seen in front of you. Photos are low-res. - 7:52am
i got the sensuous feel
you're right about the whole crotch and fire thing
i like the balance of the fairies though
and the mermaid
they kind of balance it in a whimsical way
idk if i could ever be a painter - 7:55am
Benjamin Zamora Silva
Yes, the fairies are foreground figures. They are light creatures and do not cast shadows as dark as the others'.Note that all the females are fully "dressed". That was deliberate too, it was to emphasize the primitive masculine. - 7:55am
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- 7:56am
- 7:57am
no like
in the finished product
there can be movement
in terms of where your eyes and soul go
when viewing a good painting
but for me
with music
you're always moving
and yet
standing still at the same time
or not
if you're dancin
but that's what i mean - 7:58am
- 7:58am
- 7:58am
- 7:58am
i'm not going to get in a fight over it lol
i just feel like for me
A) i wish i understood painting more
B) i love music and appreciate the sound-color/shape-process - 8:00am
Benjamin Zamora Silva
Check out the works of Kandinsky. All of his paintings are renditions of or were inspired by music. - 8:00am
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